Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Reporting Phishing

Usually when I forward a phishing email to the address concerned, I just use any of my available email addresses. It's very unusual for me to use my main email address - if at all - as that is then picked up over several machines.

But today, when I sent the Ebay Suspension Notice to them, the email was returned with a warning that they only accept emails to that address from Ebay account holders.

Never had this before. Now it could be that I forwarded the email as an attachment instead of just hitting forward, as I know my hosts do delete some phishing reports - helpful. But it looks like Ebay might be having to protect their Phishing reporting email.

At least they confirm receipt and send a confirmation that they have checked & processed the email (the second email is already through for the Ebay Suspension Notice) - many others do nothing, leaving me wondering if the email ever arrived.

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