Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Ebay | You've received a question about eBay item: Lelli Kelly shoes, hardly worn, fab condition - size 22 (270215856798)

Ebay Phishing EmailHere's another Phishing email targeting Ebay using the fake member messages emails.

This one uses different destination URLs, I haven't checked (don't click a suspected phishing link, it could harm your computer, to prevent this, make sure you use a phishing prtected browser such as Firefox - link up top right) but I suspect each link will take you to realistic pages to try to catch the slightly weary.

The URL is basically http://www.gosunshine.com/swing/index.htm. gosunshine.com does seem perfectly normal in the search results, so it's possible the site has been hacked.

I've sent the email to Ebay, here's the content:

Hello, I want to make sure that PayPal is ok to pay for my item. I am waiting for your answer as soon as possible.

Thank you.

- emjim09 Respond to this question

If you use My Messages to respond, your email address will not be shared.

Item and user details
Item Title: Lelli Kelly shoes, hardly worn, fab condition - size 22
Item Number: 270215856798
Item URL: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270215856798
End Date: 10-Mar-08 00:27:15 GMT
From User: emjim09 ( 164 )
100% Positive
since 31-Aug-04 in United Kingdom

ref q:jn

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