Thursday, 3 April 2008

Ebay | You've received a question about eBay item: 2x Weekend Tickets V Festival - Weston Park + Camping (280212913563)

This one has the same convincing appearance as other similar ebay phishing emails, so I won't put up a picture.

This time the target URL is gets a few mentions on Google in phishing search results.

It's not for real - don't worry about it. I've forwarded the email to Ebay already.

Here's the content:

Let me know if PayPal is ok to pay for my item. I am waiting for your answer as soon as possible.

Thank you.

- dychie478 Respond to this question

If you use My Messages to respond, your email address will not be shared.

Item and user details
Item Title: 2x Weekend Tickets V Festival - Weston Park + Camping
Item Number: 280212913563
Item URL:
End Date: 31-Mar-08 08:55:31 BST
From User: dychie478 (173)
99.5% Positive
since 13-Jan-05 in United Kingdom

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