Quite a basic email this - with images that don't work. Quite a novel idea that it says the reason for not giving the name is further security. The link actually goes to a website that although totally unrelated to banking, doesn't seem at all dubious. I suspect there ftp details have been hacked and used to store the pages and probable the details for someone to pick up later, totally undetected.
Here's the email. If they have hacked someone's site it going to be a serious job on the site, it could even install spyware and key logging, so I'm not risking this machine on the site! Don't click the link, and if you are worried about accidentally visiting phishing sites, install Firefox (see link on right).
Dear valued customer,
Nationwide constantly reviews and assesses its online Internet Banking systems in the interest of its customers' security.
In our latest assessment of account activity, our computers logged suspicious data in relation to an account linked to this email address. Due to security reasons, we cannot reveal any specific account information in this email, but you are required to take part in an Internet Banking Account confirmation process.
The automatic detection of suspicious activity was due to:
Incorrect login attempts (more than 3 times)
Login attempts from suspicious geographical locations
and/or IP addresses.
You are requested to follow the link below to the Nationwide website, where you may proceed.
Nationwide would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to your online experience, but it would be in your best interest to complete this procedure as soon as possible to avoid fraudulent activity on your Bank account.
If you are not a Nationwide customer and believe this email was sent by error, please ignore this email. If the problem persists please contact us via our Website.
Yours Sincerely,
Joanne Ridley
Head of Security Department
Nationwide Building Society
Internet Banking
Nationwide Building Society, Nationwide Life Limited and Nationwide Unit Trust Managers Limited represent only the Nationwide Marketing Group, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority for life assurance, pensions, unit trusts, bank accounts, insurance and regulated mortgages. This e-mail is intended for UK residents unless otherwise stated.
Saturday, 12 January 2008
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Yes, and there are currently similar scam attempts targetting HSBC and Abbey internet customers, but being sent to any email address the criminals can get hold of.
They take the form you describe including childish grammatical errors and an instruction to click on a link that sounds reasonably authentic. I expect a lot of people will fall for them and we will read about it in the papers in about a months time when millions have been stolen by these crooks.
What gets me is that these emails skip through the phishing screens of the email providors and our PC installed fraud protection software including Symantec's Norton.
Why are the authorities, the ISP's and those flogging 'safety' software so hapless in the face of these purile chancers?
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