Friday, 14 November 2008

Abbey Business Accounts ARE Being Updated

I feel that it's worth mentioning the fact that Abbey IS updating it's business security system and that users will be asked to revalidate their logins and provide new security details. BUT, what is important to know is:

This update will not be requested through any emails and will only be requested after users have naturally visited and logged onto their normal services.

This is very important. If you receive an email asking you to update your details, it is almost certainly a fake. These details are being provided to users after they log on, of their own accord. Likewise, it will be up to users to decide when to log on to their internet banking accounts and do this through their normal links.

Here's a couple of Q&As from the bank:

Q. How will I know what to do?

A. The upgrade is planned to take place over the next few weeks. Until then you can continue to log on as normal. When the upgrade is complete we will take you through the process step by step. It will take no longer than ten minutes and you will only need to complete the process the first time you log on after the upgrade has taken place.

Q. How will I access my account?

A. AFTER you have successfully logged on using your existing security details, you will be asked to select new security information online via our e-bank. We will ask you to do this when the upgrade has been completed. Please be aware we will NEVER ask you to provide any security details by responding to an email.

Monday, 10 November 2008


Here's a new one on me. Instead of threats, just an email saying that the daily limits on the debit card are being changed. Why this leads to a security process is not explained! But I suspect that a few unwary people will click the link and before they know it have given away their security details.

Take care, don't click that link!

Dear Customer,

Latest News:Terms & Conditions:

We inform you that for security reasons from 10/11/2008 the Withdrawal/Purchase Daily Limits of Abbey Bank VISA debit card will be changed.

Click here to Start the Security Process.

When you log onto the service we will ask you to accept the updated Terms and Conditions.

Once you have accepted these, you will be able to access your accounts in the usual way.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Abbey National eBanking: Please Confirm Your Data

It's the reappearance of one of my old favourites - the one that actually apologises for being sent to none customers. The thing is, if it is still doing the rounds, then I expect that the format is working. Rather worrying that some people believe a major bank would just randomly email the entire country, asking them to partake in a software upgrade. Although, with the customer I've been with this morning, maybe it's not that hard to believe!

Dear Abbey National Bank e-Banking client!

Our Support Department is running a scheduled Internet Banking software upgrade

By following the link below you will open the form of the member login update:

These directions are to be e-mailed and followed by all users of the Abbey National Internet Banking

Abbey National Bank does apologize for the problems caused, and is very grateful for your collaboration.

If you are not client of Abbey National Bank please delete this email!

*** This is an automated e-mail please do not respond ***

(c) '08 Abbey National Bank OnLine Banking. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, 3 November 2008

LloydsTSB Electronic Banking: Please Submit Your Password

Not a very imaginitive one, this one. Techno speak to bore the reader and then the statement that it is compulsory to review your security details, because of a routine update. Not very good, convincing English.

Don't touch the link, here's the content.

Dear LloydsTSB Bank client,

Security and confidentiality are at the heart of the LloydsTSB Group. Your details (and your money) is protected by a number of technologies, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.
We would like to notify you that LloydsTSB Bank carries out client details confirmation procedure that is compulsory for all our clients. This procedure is attributed to a routine banking software update.

Please visit our Client Confirmation Form using the link below and follow the instructions on the screen.

Lloyds TSB Bank Customer Service